The world has changed in a lot of ways over the past 12 months. One positive change has been the massive drive towards being outside that we've seen across the board, including (but not limited to) people taking up mountain biking. We've got plenty of stories of friends, new and old, trying mountain biking for the first time this year, and falling in love with it the same way we are. We've been fortunate to be able to help them, and plenty of others, get on bikes that are more financially accessible than the $10k super-bikes you see us posting about. Bikes like the Ibis Ripley AF and Ripmo AF, the Status, and Norco's awesome Fluid models are perfect not only to learn on but to excel on, they are so good.

But we are Fanatik after all, and "Custom Is Our Specialty." We also built up a ton of really amazing super-bikes that you all designed on our Custom Bike Builder, and we need YOUR HELP in determining the fan favorite. Starting on January 24th, we're running contests every Monday and Wednesday to pick the best of the best, until we get to our final match on Wednesday, February 23.

So, make sure you're following our account and checking our stories. If you have friends that have just gotten into biking, feel free to share this with them so we can find out the #2021DreamBuild.


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