It was a wild ride, but Round 1 of the #2021DreamBuild contest is over, and only 32 of the original 64 bikes are moving on.
Round 2 starts on Monday, January 31st, and will have a strong showing of some of the most drool-worthy bikes you've ever seen.
Want to view more specs on the remaining Dream Builds? Hit the corresponding link below!
5- Norco Optic
11- Evil Offering V2
13- Forbidden Druid
14- Transition Spire
15- Revel Rail
17- Forbidden Druid
18- Revel Rail
19- Transition Spire
20- Evil Offering V2
21- Transition Scout
25- Ibis Ripmo V2
26- Forbidden Druid
27- Transition Spur
28- Transition Spire
29- Transition Spire
30- Evil Wreckoning
31- Transition Spire
- Loam Gold Sentinel
- Sky Blue Status
- @callahanpeters Spire
- @el.bruja Sentinel
- @giladmichael Sentinel
- @chriswehrly Rascal
- AXS Offering
- @chriswehrly Spur
- Ziggy'd Dreadnought
- @castellanoanth Ripmo
- RockShox Druid
- Red Sentinel
- RockShox Ripmo
- @jacetr1987 Enduro
- @unholyrollerz Grave Digger Offering
- T1000 Rascal
- @shaunhmc Offering
- @duanezingale Wreckoning
- @dependablebert Stumpy Evo
- @thereal_mike_b Stumpy Evo
- @kell_warner Druid
- @kyledoerksen Insurgent
- @hadleyfield Spire
- @delarro Spire
- @culler.ron Offering
- @jholmesrealestate Druid
- Deep Space 9 Dreadnought
- Blue Steel Druid
- Coral Wreckoning
- @PeteRecc1 Druid
- @whopperwithsteeze Wreckoning
- S-Works Stumpy Evo
- Loam Gold Sentinel
- @callahanpeters Spire
- @giladmichael Sentinel
- AXS Offering
- Ziggy'd Dreadnought
- RockShox Druid
- @jacetr1987 Enduro
- @unholyrollerz Grave Digger Offering
- @shaunhmc Offering
- @thereal_mike_b Stumpy Evo
- @kell_warner Druid
- @hadleyfield Spire
- @jholmesrealestate Druid
- Deep Space 9 Dreadnought
- Coral Wreckoning
- S-Works Stumpy Evo
- @callahanpeters Spire
- @giladmichael Sentinel
- Ziggy'd Dreadnought
- @jacetr1987 Enduro
- @shaunhmc Offering
- @hadleyfield Spire
- Deep Space 9 Dreadnought
- Coral Wreckoning
- Ziggy'd Dreadnought
- @shaunhmc Offering
- @stursby Sentinel
- The Dreadsled
- Rowdy Rail
- @stursby Sentinel
- Oil Slick Spire
- @barefootjake1 Spire
- Push'd Wreckoning
- Super Scout
- Push'd Enduro
- The Dreadsled
- Rowdy Rail
- Blue Highlights Ripmo
- @tylerj_bowers Offering
- @stursby Sentinel
- "Hunter Safety" Spire
- Oil Slick Spire
- Deep Sea Spur
- @barefootjake1 Spire
- @timhiggins_122 Optic
- Push'd Wreckoning
- @theoriginalkevinjamescassidy Rail
- Super Scout
- Push'd Enduro
- @kevin_j_lopez Sentinel
- Northern Lights Druid
- The Dreadsled
- @ianrswanson Ripmo
- Rowdy Rail
- Blue Highlights Ripmo
- Stealth Ripley
- @americanmtb Ranger
- @tylerj_bowers Offering
- @stursby Sentinel
- @bruno_pelech Ripmo
- "Hunter Safety" Spire
- Tan Wall Offering
- Oil Slick Spire
- @ericpalbertson Offering
- Star Destroyer RipMo
- Deep Sea Spur
- @barefootjake1 Spire
- Stealth Stumpy Evo
- Halloween HD5
- @timhiggins_122 Optic
- Push'd Wreckoning
- Orange Highlights RipMo
- @theoriginalkevinjamescassidy Rail
- @jacksonps Following
- AXS RipMo
- Super Scout
- Golden Spur
- Push'd Enduro
- AXS Ripley
- @kevin_j_lopez Sentinel
- Northern Lights Druid
- Johnny Rotten Ranger
- The Dreadsled
- @brockwebley Rascal
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